Publisher's Synopsis
Published in more than two dozen countries, How to Change the World has become a bible for the field of social entrepreneurship. It tells the stories of people building innovative and pattern-changing solutions to social and economic problems. Like Fabio Rosa, who brought solar energy to villagers across Brazil, or Javed Abidi, who expanded work for disabled people in India, or Veronica Khosa, who built the first network providing home-care for people with AIDS in South Africa, social entrepreneurs have pioneered models that are reshaping the twenty-first century. Social entrepreneurs are bold, creative, and driven. They embrace change and demonstrate new possibilities. How to Change the World provides vivid profiles, looking at the personalities, strategies, and techniques they have in common. Listeners will discover how one person can make an astonishing difference in the world. This edition includes a new foreword by the author that shows how the concept of social entrepreneurship has expanded and unfolded in recent years.