How To Build Winning Teams Again And Again

How To Build Winning Teams Again And Again - The How to Build Winning Teams Trilogy

Paperback (11 Jan 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

How To Build Winning Teams Trilogy

The first series of handbooks to explain the psychology, action principles and roadmaps behind team building from former CEO and executive coach, James Scouller.

Book Three: The "How To" Companion

In this, the third book in the trilogy, James Scouller invites you to move beyond mere intellectual understanding by learning how to apply Book Two's seven action principles successfully in different scenarios.

What to Expect In Book Three

Pinpoint your team's key problems with the free TeamFixer(R) tool. Apply the seven action principles for best results in three scenarios - a new team, an existing team that's doing okay but could do better, a team in trouble. Gain fresh insights from 40 FAQs asked by leaders like you. Learn how to coach with James Scouller's models and tools.

Book Three: Your Transformational Guide

For CEOs, this book is a blueprint for raising your top team's game. For Chief People Officers, it offers you a career-defining chance to create a culture-based edge for your whole company - skill in team building and troubleshooting.

Elevate your team, elevate your results

Visit James Scouller's Leadership Mastery Suite website for even more tools.

Book information

ISBN: 9781739276645
Publisher: Hawkhurst Publishing
Imprint: Hawkhurst Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 280
Weight: 413g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 16mm