Publisher's Synopsis
This is Q1: January-March, and it will help you get a handle on your life! Have you been making empty promises to yourself? Maybe they sound like one of these: "I'm going to read scripture every day" "I'm going to take better care of this body that God gave me" "I'm going to get the proper amount of sleep" "I'm going to reach my goals this year" How many times have you made promises to yourself that you haven't kept? Studies show that your success goes up exponentially when you have a plan, write it down, and have an accountability tool. Created by Cynthia Damaskos, a Christian Health Coach, host of Holistic Christian Life, and author of The Holistic Christian Woman, this is the official planner she uses with her clients to help them achieve success with their health goals, lifestyle planning and time management. Cynthia teaches health and lifestyle habits. She helps people make sense of their daily lives and why they may not be living according to their values. This is one tool she uses to lead her clients and keep them on track to achieve amazing results. Designated scripture every day, quotes from the Saints to inspire you, goal setting templates to set SMARTER goals, meal planning pages, prayer requests...and much much more! Don't make the mistake of letting another year just slide by without honoring your intentions for change. You can see the interior and a tutorial at Plus check out the companion journal also on Amazon.