(Hidden Qualities of the Air. Latin.) Tractatus. In quibus continentur, I. Suspiciones de Latentibus quibusdam Qualitatibus Aeris; Una cum Appendice de Magnetibus Coeletsibus [sic], Nonnullisque argumentis aliis. II. Animadversiones in D. Hobbesii Porblemata de Vacuo. III. Dissertatio de Causa Attractionis per Suctionem [...]
Boyle (Robert)
Publication details: Londini, Typis Gulielmi Godbid, impensis Mosis Pitt [...]1676.
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Bookseller Notes
Published two years after the English edition. 'It is a curious circumstance in scientific history that Boyle's close approach to the theory of oxidation should have appeared in the same year as Mayow's Tractatus Quinque. Independently of one another, and possibly when both were working in Oxford, they set themselves down as believing that during combustion certain 'particles' are extracted from the air [...] they entitle Boyle to share with Mayow the credit of first enunciation of the modern theory of oxidation' (Fulton pp. 83-4).