Publisher's Synopsis
This devotional follows on from my book '100 Days With The Holy Spirit', which is also available to download at Amazon Kindle. Because this devotional contains 100 of God's precious promises, this means that you can study one promise a day over the next 100 days. Each day's devotional is not confined to one page; I have used approximately three pages per promise so that you can gain the maximum benefit from your daily reading. The promises we shall consider in this devotional have been selected from Genesis to Revelation. This means that you will also gain a good overview of the bible at the same time that you read about God's promises. As you read this devotional you will discover that some promises are automatic, some promises are conditional and other promises require action on our part; some promises in the bible are even implied. I have set each one of these 100 promises in context with the passage it relates to before applying it to the life of a Christian. This means that you will gain an insight into why God provided these promises and why they are relevant to you today. Finally, some of God's promises are repetitive. Where possible I have used any repetitiveness in scripture to reinforce God's promises to you; which will help you to gain an understanding of God's character within your heart and mind. I pray that you will enjoy reading this devotional, in Jesus precious name!