Dude's Gotta Mountain Bike

Dude's Gotta Mountain Bike - French Marmot Dude

Hardback (04 Nov 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

"Good for children comfortable reading longer books on their own."

For ages 8-12 years.

The crazy nocturnal adventures of Magali the French marmot, and her sports-mad mountain mates!

Magali, her best friend, Mishka, and his cousins really want to go mountain bike riding. But, how? They don't have bikes!

How is Magali going to ride down curvy trails at night when a) her papa locks the front door, and b) she doesn't even have a bike?

This marmot needs to find a way. The Tricky Tricks Bike Competition is coming up! Her mountain friends (Henri Le Hare, F-F-Foxy, Little Foxy, Puppy Bébé and Chamois Luc) are taking part. She wants to, too!

A funny middle-grade series about trusting instinct, forging friendships, and learning independence.

    For ages 8-12 yrs.Set in the French Alps.The books have British spelling.Each book can be read as an individual book or as part of the French Marmot Dude Series.The series is available in English, French, Spanish and bilingual versions (English/French, English/Spanish).

Book information

ISBN: 9782492620324
Publisher: Afnil
Imprint: Afnil
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 134
Weight: 318g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 10mm