Publisher's Synopsis
DEEP Origin Healing and the Origin of Personality Distortion draws from differing world views to gain new insights into transpersonal healing. The emotional process/energy paradigms that define character structures were originally outlined in the groundbreaking work of Dr. Wilhelm Reich, a student of Freud, and those who followed: Alexander Lowen (Bioenergetics), Dr. John Pierrakos (Core Energetics), Eva Pierrakos (Pathwork), Donovan and Susan Thesenga, Barbara Brennan, Dr. Alima Hamilton, and others. The development of these emotional/energy paradigms began the process of bringing awareness and integration of unconscious emotional patterns to people who were looking for a deeper understanding of human dysfunction. These psychological and transpersonal energy-based paradigms look at the root causes of suffering on an individual level. To this process DEEP Origin Healing integrates Rev. Sun Myung Moon's profound explanation of the fall of man, described in the Divine Principle, as the original separation humanity experienced from God and, therefore, the source of human suffering on an historical level. Part One examines the microcosm and macrocosm paradigm. From the interconnectedness between ourselves and the universe we can begin to understand the reality of spiritual principles that reveal our relationship with both the physical and spiritual realms. Part Two draws comparisons between the fallen human natures outline in Divine Principle and the psychodynamic personality distortions, also known as defenses. This combined approach to the psychological and theological origin of human suffering is the foundation for the development of the ideas presented in this book. Part Three focuses on the interrelationship between the physical and the spiritual body and goes into detail discussing the human aura and the chakras that comprise the form and function of the energetic spirit body. Following this is a description of the Core Personality Traits and the mask energy that distorts them. Part Four concludes "Where there is Divine Energy, there can be Emotional Process" exploring the possibility that Divine Energy and Heart is accessible to all of humanity no matter what our life experience. Building on the content in previous sections, methods of introspection and personal development are outlined for couples and individuals committed to a healing path. With many diagrams, illustrations, a glossary, index and detailed bibliography this is an excellent healing resource for anyone who is interested in a synthesis of the worlds of psychology and spirituality.