Publisher's Synopsis
White noise is a sound-masking tool designed to cover up the things that distract us. And while white noise can occasionally be helpful, there are times when the white noise in our lives drowns out the voices we need to hear. That's what happens to many leaders. We learn to tune out distractions but end up growing deaf to the inner desires and issues that we need to listen to. There are common white noises in leadership and ministry that we use to mask our unpleasant emotions and ignore the desires deep inside of us. Our increasingly busy lives, the numbing nature of entertainment and social media, and the urgency of ministry itself all work together to create a toxic cocktail of emotional distraction. Multiplying the problem is our emotional incompetence. Leaders are more anxious, stressed, and depressed than ever before.Emotional healing begins with emotional awareness. Being able to identify and understand our emotions requires some counter-cultural practices. Spiritual disciplines of fasting, meditation, Sabbath-keeping, prayer, and hospitality are practices intended to create space for emotional evaluation and exploration.This guide will help you listen to yourself, to recognize what your emotions, your body, and your spirit are saying to you by turning down the kudzu of white noise.