Publisher's Synopsis
"Lord, will those who are saved be few?" - Luke 13:23
We are constantly warned in Scripture to beware of false prophets, false apostles, false teachers, deceitful workmen, etc., which all lead their unsuspecting victims down the wide path that ends in destruction. All of Biblical history points to the truth stated by Christ in Matthew 7:14; "the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it." We find in Scripture that the vast majority of mankind in Noah's day, of the Israelites in the Exodus, and of the religious Jews in the first century, never found this narrow way and were destroyed by God. In every case, without exception, it was the "the deceitfulness of sin" that led them astray.
"There is nothing new under the sun" as "the deceitfulness of sin" never wanes and there is no shortage of teachers in our day who are both "deceiving and being deceived," 2 Timothy 3:13. Thus, we should not be at all amazed at the possibility that the majority of those who profess to "believe in Christ" in our era have likewise fallen prey to these deceptive snares. Since "God shows no partiality," they will suffer the same fate. The only remedy is that of finding the narrow way of the truth of the gospel as taught by Christ and His Apostles. A gospel, we would argue, a significant percentage of those who claim to be Christians in our day have never heard. Thus many are clinging to a counterfeit cross with a false hope of salvation.