Publisher's Synopsis
Stop Candida Yeast Infections-Naturally!
Are you one of the millions of people affected by chronic candidiasis-the yeast syndrome? Often mistaken for other maladies, the yeast syndrome can lead to headaches, sore muscles, general fatigue, low resistance to colds and viruses, and other problems in both men and women.
Of the two most common prescription treatments, one can inflict severe liver damage and the other is safe but of only limited effectiveness. Fortunately, there are potent natural alternatives. They're clearly explained here by Dr. Michael T. Murray, co-author of the bestselling Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. You will learn how to:
Determine if you suffer from candida yeast syndrome
Follow Dr. Murray's seven step program for combating candidiasis
Adjust you daily diet to control candida growth
Supplement your meals with nourishing vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
Strengthen your immune system to help resist candidiasis and many other invasive disorders
And much more!
Discover how to overcome yeast syndrome and keep it from coming back-naturally!