Publisher's Synopsis
When you start a business, it’s natural to dream of selling it one day. In fact, more than half of America’s 27 million business owners now say they want to sell their business in the next 10 years. You may want to retire, travel, cash out, or just sleep well at night knowing you could sell your business. Unfortunately, just 1 out of every 100 business owners is successful in selling their company each year. To sell your business you need to know:
The 3 biggest mistakes business owners make when selling
The 8 steps to creating a sellable company
How to attract multiple strategic bidders for your business
How to maximize your valuation and get the highest possible price for your business
The secret to getting your cash up front and avoiding a lengthy earn out Built To Sell: Turn Your Business Into One You Can Sell will show you how to start, grow and profitably exit a business.
"John does a masterful job in Built To Sell of illuminating the qualities that business buyers look for in a company" - Bo Burlingham Editor-at-large, Inc. Magazine and bestselling author of Small Giants, The Knack, The Great Game of Business and A Stake In The Outcome.