Publisher's Synopsis
This book takes a humorous look at life and how one achieves real adulthood. This is done by telling a story of a non-fictional character named Johnny, using non-fictional aggregate experiences from the author and his friends. From the cradle to the grave, we reach different and unique levels of maturity. Unfortunately, some of us never grow up and reach autonomy. This book will give the essential tools to the reader on how to win at life and succeed. The story of Johnny is over-the-top humor that scintillates with comedic brinkmanship and spiritual depth, yet, delicately sprinkled with a little burp and fart humor. Thus, this is definitely a book for men, ages 20 and up. So enjoy! Now, sit back, relax, take a long deep breath, exhale slowly, counting backwards from 100. Take that peaceful journey inward. Let all your worries just melt away and allow yourself to totally relax. Let your attention focus on these words that you are now reading, as if, it's the only thing that exist. Surrender to it all as you begin to feel warm and secure. Let all your stress and problems float away like a helium-filled balloon, slowly drifting past white puffy clouds on a warm spring day. Keep counting backwards and visualize the above scene. Now, allow yourself to go even deeper as you feel the uncontrollable urge to take out your credit card and purchase this e-book. You are almost there. Now click on the "BUY" button and you are home free.