Ask And It Is Given (Part I)

Ask And It Is Given (Part I) The Laws Of Attraction

Unabridged edition

Audio CD (26 Aug 2005)

Not available for sale

Publisher's Synopsis

Based on the best-selling book Ask and It Is Given, this CD set by Esther and Jerry Hicks, presents the teachings of the non-physical entity Abraham, and will help you learn how to manifest your desires so that you're living the joyous and fulfilling life you deserve. As you listen, you'll come to understand how the universal laws that govern your time/space reality influence your relationships, health issues, finances, career concerns, and more.

Book information

ISBN: 9781401907341
Publisher: Hay House UK
Imprint: Hay House
Pub date:
Edition: Unabridged edition
Language: English
Weight: 186g
Height: 124mm
Width: 26mm
Spine width: 144mm