Angels and Demons

Angels and Demons - Exploring the Occult

Book (01 Jan 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

"Angels generally represent peace, healing, strength, mercy, justice, and pure love and are widely seen as humanity's divine helpers. But the most potent symbol of evil-Satan-is said to be an angel thrown down to earth after rebelling against god. Satan is often referred to as the lord of the demons. Angels and demons might represent opposite ends of the spectrum but all their deeds-good and bad-are based on human behavior. Each person has the capacity to show angelic behavior such as compassion, mercy, and love. People also possess the ability to commit the most horrible, demonic deeds imaginable"--.

Book information

ISBN: 9781678207120
Publisher: ReferencePoint Press, Inc.
Imprint: ReferencePoint Press, Inc.
Pub date:
DEWEY: 202.15
DEWEY edition: 23/eng/20231011
Weight: 299g
Height: 238mm
Width: 170mm
Spine width: 10mm