Publisher's Synopsis
"An Anecdote A Day" is a collection of stories and joke threads authored by comedian and writer Thomas Page. An ode to his time growing up in a small farm town in rural Massachusetts, this book tells stories about what it was like growing up as a transgender man before understanding what the word transgender meant to many of us. Over the years, Thomas Page has become a writer and a comic, and this book is a companion to that work. Many of the short stories contained in "An Anecdote" are tales and jokes that he has enjoyed sharing in person, on screen and on stage as an actor. The goal of this project is to give the reader a short story to reflect upon each day. The book is written in a daily story format, with one story for each day of the year. One could sit down and read the whole collection, or just pick any day of the year and have a laugh. It's a great companion for a comic or any other person to have around when one's creative juices need a little extra inspiration. "Life is about finding something every day that makes us laugh. If we can find a way to smile, even when things seem more difficult, we can make ourselves and one another much happier."-Thomas Page