Advances in Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders

Advances in Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders - The Clinics. Veterinary Medicine

Hardback (14 Feb 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Drs. Helio Autran de Morais and Stephen DiBartola have assembled a comprehensive list of topics on Advances in Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-base Disorders. Just some of the many article topics include: Hypoxemia; Respiratory Alkalosis; Respiratory Acidosis; Anion gap and strong ion gap; Metabolic Alkalosis; Hyperchloremic Metabolic Acidosis; High Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis; Hypercalcemia; Hypocalcemia; Chloride; Magnesium; Phosphorus; Practical management of dysnatremias; Spurious electrolyte disorders; Compensation for acid-base disorders; Fluid therapy: Options and rational selection; Maintenance fluid therapy: Isotonic versus hypotonic solutions; Are colloids bad and what are the options?; Fluid management in patients with trauma; Restrictive versus liberal approach, and more

Book information

ISBN: 9780323509909
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
Imprint: Elsevier
Pub date:
DEWEY: 636.089639
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Weight: 716g
Height: 160mm
Width: 236mm
Spine width: 25mm