Adult Attention Deficit Disorder

Adult Attention Deficit Disorder Brain Mechanisms and Life Outcomes - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

Hardback (15 Mar 2001)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Presents current and historical thinking by researchers and clinicians about a relatively recent and still controversial diagnosis. New research topics include neuroimaging studies, molecular genetics, endocrinology, and acquired brain injury. Assessment reviews include a critique of computerized assessment, neuropsychological evaluation and new symptom rating scales. The important model of executive dysfunction is discussed, as is the overlap between assessment of ADHD and learning disabilities in college students. Other issues covered include comorbid and overlapping conditions, ADD and schizophrenia, PTSD and substance abuse. The participants review current modalities of treatment, including medication, psychotherapy cognitive remediation, psychotherapy cognitive remediation and coaching, and add newer alternative treatments such as EEG biofeedback.

Book information

ISBN: 9781573312554
Publisher: New York Academy of Sciences
Imprint: New York Academy of Sciences
Pub date:
DEWEY: 616.8589
DEWEY edition: 21
Number of pages: 409
Weight: 748g
Height: 230mm
Width: 158mm
Spine width: 25mm