Publisher's Synopsis
Devastated by a diagnosis of stage 3 breast cancer, A Wild Adventure on the Big C tells how Anna turned an ordeal into an adventure, tapping into her body's magical powers of self-healing and stepping into self-sovereignty. This book is the story of how she healed herself without conventional medicine - gently, beautifully, magically and very quickly.
'Dreams can save your life, ' says Anna. 'I believe they saved mine.'
Being terrified of the conventional approach to healing cancer - involving surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy - she decided to find natural ways to heal herself through diet and alternative therapies, including shamanic healing, kinesiology and dreamwork. With a sprinkle of magic and a big dollop of humour.
And it's not just about cancer - the techniques she found can be applied to other conditions that don't respond well to conventional treatment.
She discovered that, when healing cancer, you have to get to the root cause, including the spiritual and emotional causes of the disease. During this time she had some extraordinary dreams, and met a guide who gave her precise information about how to heal herself.
Anna's story is a hero's journey of transformation, where she reframed her cancer healing from feeling like a victim of a hostile Universe, to knowing that she is Mistress of her own Destiny. She came home from that journey healthier in mind, body and spirit.
Anna's message for the world is that healing cancer does not have to be a horrific ordeal of surgery and harsh treatments. Her healing journey has been one of exquisite beauty, wild adventure, love and blessings.
The book provides a toolkit of the techniques Anna used to guide her; for others to use on their own personal healing journey. If you are looking for inspiration for your own healing and how to connect with guidance on what foods, treatments and emotional and spiritual healing would suit you best, this book will be really helpful for you.
About Anna
Anna is a mother, a shamanic teacher and healer, an active dreamwork teacher, a journeyer between the worlds. She is a writing coach and an editor. She has a scientific background in biochemistry and experience in R&D for the medical equipment industry. She lives in Herefordshire, UK.
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Praise for A Wild Adventure on the Big C:
"Anna's narrative is compelling and captivating. You will awaken to practical options for self-healing, as well as fresh paths for adventure and transformation."
- Robert Moss, author of Active Dreaming and Dreaming the Soul Back Home