A Forest-Land's Revere

A Forest-Land's Revere A Father's Love Revealed

Paperback (05 Feb 2021)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A Forest-Land's Revere is a diverse arrangement of Christian based short-stories that are all interwoven into one large collage of fiction and fantasy with a focus on encouraging Godly principles and ethics. The setting is a forestland surrounded by mountains on one side, and deserts, swamps, and a pirate infested ocean on the other sides. It's a place of majestic beauty inhabited by a mix of talking animals, reptiles, birds, and bipeds -humans- that are unknowingly being introduced to the All Powerful Creator, Elomie. Assigned to watch over this fallen and rebellious group of beings are the guardian wind-creatures, -angelic beings- led by the ever watchful Hawk. Hawk, wages a never-ending war with the arch enemy of Elomie and Forest-Land, the ever scheming Snaker -the devil-; their war is for the souls of Forest-Land. Through the center of Forest-Land runs a life giving river known by all creatures simply as, Revere. The predominant theme running throughout this novel is: even though many of God's creatures are in rebellion to Him, He is ever merciful and ever working in the lives of His creation to redeem as many souls as possible. If there is a single theme scripture, it is Romans 5:8 - "But Father God showed His great and passionate love for all people by sending His precious Son, Jesus, to die for us in our place while we were still at war with Him and condemned to death by our own sinful choices."(MOV) I invite you to join with me as we see God's love lived out in the pages of this book.

Book information

ISBN: 9798704011019
Publisher: Independently Published
Imprint: Independently Published
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 282
Weight: 381g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 15mm