Publisher's Synopsis
With the realities that appear to continuously be going on, it is apparent that individuals should consider grasping a hold to some potentially workable strategies that could possibly be used to deal with some of today's challenges that bring about these demands. Perhaps this witness may be observed from many positions, experiences and geographical locations. But, the noticeable reality here is that some valuable and sincere attention should be given to this issue for the best results to occur in all sincerity. This is why I have been convicted to attempt to connect with one of the believed to be oldest plans of action equipped to set this pace. Of course in this country for the most part, it has always been seemingly associated with a kind of western school of thought. This has involved Christianity and its continuation from Emperor Constantine, the impact of the Enslavement Period and the modern realities associated with those dynamics. With this in mind, I have attempted to bring to surface a kind of further out of the box perspective since what some of what is currently being done does not appear to meet many of the modern demands associated with this issue. Further consider how sometimes it may be common place to find out how far apart two individuals can be regardless to family connectedness, teamwork, similar schooling pathways, careers and more seem to should have enclosed this void or gap that exist. It, then, becomes more evident with this disparity that there certainly is a need to reach this particular pinnacle in all sincerity. Of course, this references this needed workable strategy. Therefore, I have further attempted to pursue this issue of having this workable strategy to contend with some of our modern challenges primarily in nine areas. The nine areas that I have been convicted to illustrate are as follows: 1) Some Earlier Reflections, 2) Some Primary Resources versus Some Primary Modern Realities, 3) Daily Mobility and Divine Mobility, 4) Relationship Reflections, 5) Consideration Dynamics, 6) Tapping Into and Touching Throughout, 7) Application, Sensations and Motivations, 8) Adjusting, Adapting and Availing and 9) Who will move forward? Perhaps there are other approaches that could be emphasized. However, it has become evident that there certainly is room for some kind of improvement with all of the harsh realities that are ever present even during today's changing times. In that regard, please sat back and allow me to share this strategy as it has been convicted for me to bring it forward.