Publisher's Synopsis
Improve your life and enhance your healing practice with The Ultimate Lead To Aromatherapy Guide For Beginners, an A-to-Z guide to sixty essential oils and their corresponding vibrational elements. Renowned author Margaret Ann Limbo shows you how to achieve physical, spiritual, and emotional balance using a variety of vibrational tools.The Ultimate Lead To Aromatherapy Guide For Beginners includes: Complete wellbeing―Over 100 modern remedies for total wellness, including an Uplifting Diffuser Blend, a Joyful Spirit Inhaler, and a Hopeful Outlook Roll-On.Sort it out―Profiles on the top 50 best essential oils for self-care help ensure you select the best extracts for your needs.Take care―Practical self-care advice and tips, including how to determine your needs and make an aromatherapy plan, help you feel in control of every day.Soothe and heal yourself with the complete guide to essential oils for self-care.