Publisher's Synopsis
It's the year 2021 and we're all stuck inside our homes under our blankets. An insane pandemic hit the world in March 2020 with the spread of a highly contagious virus called coronavirus or Covid 19. It has transformed our lives like never before. It was 2 a.m. in the night. It was just me alone with my night lamp, a cup of green tea, a fountain pen, my beloved black diary, and an antique typewriter gifted to me by my grandfather.
As I read the last words of his letter, the ink vanished into thin air leaving me baffled yet excited to get on with my mission. I kept my pen and paper aside and dragged the typewriter towards me. I closed my eyes and went into a short flashback of my entire life until now. My face went from smiles into sadness to grin to laughter to remorse as I remembered all the precious moments and regrets. My fingers grazed all over the alphabet keys while I kept my eyes closed and my emotions got the best of me. I took a deep breath and started typing the first letter to my younger self. Imagine if you were allowed to send letters to your own past? What would you do? What would you love to change about your past that would impact your today?!