Publisher's Synopsis
The keto diet has proven itself as an effective way to lose weight and improve overall health.In this Cookbook, you can find simple keto recipes and days plan that will help you to: Regain Confidence when you get back into your favorite dress Lose Weight Easily by boosting metabolism and reducing appetiteBoost Your Energy when your liver produces ketonesReset your Metabolism and Stay Healthy like when you were in your 30sLearn to eat healthy following the delicious recipes inside this CookbookThe Keto diet is your answer. You have to make little bits of changes in what you eat and drink to achieve optimal health no matter what your age is. Nutrition is vital to maintain health and to lead an active and fulfilling life. There is another fact that your nutritional need changes throughout your life and that's why eating healthy becomes more important. If you are eating unhealthy food and suffering from nutritional deficiencies, then this will bring harmful outcomes, and you will lead to a low-quality life. Focus on eating healthy foods that give you all the nutrients, which make you feel great without disturbing your ideal body weight and reduce the factors of ailments like diabetes and heart diseases