Publisher's Synopsis
Do you find yourself getting panic attacks lately over your relationship with your partner?
Has life become hard and you feel jealous, insecure, anger?
Are you worried they might be seeing someone else?
Tired of searching Facebook and social media wondering?
Want to stop the head racing thoughts and feeling worthless in a relationship
Then you have the right book!
Why live your life in agony and hurtful feelings, life was meant to be free, not being clingy to another or feeling less than you should be. Many times we forget who we really are in relationships with others, or we fall in love with someone we thought was our everything, gave them it all and then they take it all away!
Like the song sings:
"Go on and go free...Yeah, baby your too close to see.... Take it!....."
Stop suffering and start living!
Get this book now and start learning how to take back your self-worth, build up self-esteem and self-confidence