Publisher's Synopsis
Do you want to learn how to improve healthy habits to achieve success and happy relationships? Self-help for positive thinking? Empath´s survival guide and self-development? If yes, then keep reading...
Mental Toughness is the key to accessing and maximizing your innate mind power potential. You will learn how to use this invaluable peak performance concept to accelerate the development of your mental strength, focus, willpower, self-discipline, and self-confidence to achieve your most important goals.
- Applied Mind Power.
Viewing it from the most simplistic perspective-a superior performance has two basic requirements:
- That you mentally conceive your superior performance.
- That you physically execute your superior performance.
To mentally conceive is only potential mind power. To physically execute is applied mind power!
Although it is simple in theory, applied mind power is an advanced skill, and its mastery often separates advanced mental toughness students from beginning and intermediate students.
It is time to introduce you to the concept that represents the synthesis of all mind power elements-the Mental Toughness Loop. This essential tool will serve as a foundational base for the improvement of your mental strength and peak performance skills.
Because the Mental Toughness is so essential to your success-let us go further into it so that you can internalize the essence of this concept.
This Book Covers:
- Habit for Personal Development.
- Enjoy Your Empathy.
- Mental Toughness - High Frustration Tolerance.
- Habits, Rituals & Daily Practices.
- The Relationship Between Overthinking, Anxiety, Stress, and Negative Thinking.
And much more...
All you have to do is learn these methods, and you will give yourself the gift of total life goal achievement. There is no one to make you do it and no one to stop you, either.
(10% of the sale of this book is destined for "Fundación Letras Itinerantes", dedicated to promoting reading in Mayan communities, preserving the language and providing quality education in Quintana Roo, Mexico)
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