Publisher's Synopsis
I shall indicate the developing country, India case example to explain why and how poor economic environment can impact crime rate to be raised in possible as below: The Economist (2018, pp.7-16) indicated that India Women unemployment rate raised that it had relationship between India poor economic environment and India itself country's unemployment women. It explain as below: India labour force, women have been falling away at an alarming pace. The female employment rate in India, counting both the formal and informal economy, has raised from an already-low 35% in 2005 to just 26% now. IN that time the economy has more than doubled in size and the number of working-age women has grown by a quarter, to 470 million. Yetnearly 10m fewer womwn are in jobs. A rise in female employment rates to the male level would provide India with an extra 235 m workers, more than the EU has of either geneder, and more than enough to fill all the factories in the rest in Asia. India has high young female unemnployed number, it may due to many girls need to leave schools to find jobs to do because their families are poor.However, Economist also indicated other problmes in India nowadays, they include that lacking of employment opportunities. The workforce has shifted from jobs more often done by women, especially farming, where most Indian women work but are being displaced by mechanisation. At the same time, inflexible and unreformed labour markets have hampered the rise of manufacturing and low-level services, the gateway for women in other poor countries. IN neighhouring Bangladesh, whose customs are not so different from India's. a boom in gament manufacturing has increased the number of working women by 50% since 2005. In Vietnam three-quarters of women work. But the mega-factories that boosted female employment there are largely absent in India. So, it seems that India's manufacturing industry can not develop successfully, it may due to it lacks confidnece to let overseas or domestic investors to develop any kinds of manufacturing businesses in India as well as India lacks high technological skillful workers number is shortage to supply to India's manufacturing industries in India's labor market. SO, it explains that India's poor economy and low technological manufacturing industry developmentand high India female unemployment number, they can bring India's crime rate to be raised in possible.