Publisher's Synopsis
Hush is a pioneering colony-class ship fleeing Earth in the wake of a terrible war. Among those aboard are the giant legendary Titan robot named Jin, the stowaway Anna, and Ulrich Bale - veteran of the Aug War. Hush enters orbit above an ice planet which holds a mystery - six colony-class ships like Hush herself. She dispatches a small team including Jin, Anna and Bale to investigate, and they are attacked and stranded. The only recourse left to them is to enter the conjoined colony-ships, which together form something the sentient ships name 'The Citadel'. There, they must unravel the mystery of the ice planet and The Citadel, but before they do, they'll fight for their lives at every step of the way, 'til they meet two other ships - Scale Adjustment and Austerity Born of Destruction - and finally, find the answers they need...or die.Praise for Craig Robert Saunders' 'Field of Heroes' 'A powerhouse of action and war reminiscent of Iain M. Banks.' - Andy Remic.'Future warfare fun, gore and glory.' - William Meikle, author of the S-Squad Series.'A deeply nuanced look at a speculative future that will grip you from the first page.' - Colin F. Barnes.