Publisher's Synopsis
This book describes the author's fifty-year experience with addicting medications starting as a medical student in 1970. The author has practiced in emergency rooms, state hospitals, forensic psychiatric hospitals, private hospitals, regional hospitals, mental health centers, military facilities, and private practice. The author has been the medical director of ta four county and a five county mental health centers in Indiana for more than twelve years. The author has been licensed to practice law in Michigan since 1983. For several years the author was an expert witness for the Michigan Attorney General testifying before an administrative law judge on issues of medical necessity for Medicaid psychiatric hospital admission. The author has testified as an expert in psychiatry in probate, civil and criminal proceedings in Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, and California.The author explains the best practice based upon evidenced based medicine. This is followed by issues that corrupt the evidence used to define the best practice.The author addresses the medical literature and the crises in scientific research.The author addresses the issue of industry paying scientists to publish false information as scientific research.The author addresses the issue of informed choice and noncompliance as a breach of informed choice.The author has published books with related topics that paint the broader picture for those interested in expanding their view on this subject. The titles follwo: Prescription for Addictiona Failed ExperimentYour Second Psychiatric ConsultationThe Best Practice IsThe Lowest Effective DoseYour Third Psychiatric ConsultationCopyright Applied for 11/03/2019Assault in Hospitals: Theory, Policy and ManagementYour 5th Psychiatric ConsultationBy William R. Yee M.D., J.D. Copyright Applied for Aug 19, 1983The Business of Medicine: The Patient a Revenue Stream, The Physician a ToolYour Sixth Psychiatric ConsultationWilliam Yee M.D., J.DCopyright Applied for Jan. 11th, 2020Self-Mutilation, Suicide, and Homicide: It is in Your DNAYour 8th Psychiatric Consultation.William Yee M.D., J.D. Copyright Applied for 02/21/2020Self-Mutilation, Suicide, and Homicide: It is in Your DNAYour 8th Psychiatric Consultation.William Yee M.D., J.D. Copyright Applied for 02/21/2