Publisher's Synopsis
When you're lucky enough to have an abundant harvest or to live close enough to farms to take advantage of farmer's markets, you'll want to put every last tomato and peach to good use. Preserving the harvest can let you enjoy the fruits of your labor for months to come. There are several methods for preserving your fruits, nuts, and seeds.
In Part I, it begins with fruits and works it's way through each fruit in alphabetical order, then on to nuts and seeds. All methods that work well with each food are explained along with directions for the preparation and processing of that food. There is also information about what doesn't work and why.
In Part II, there is an explanation of the preserving methods, how to do them, and what you'll need: Canning, dehydrating, freezing, salting, brining, sugaring, smoking, pickling, and fermenting, as well as some not-as-often heard of ones as ash, oil, and honey for preservation.