Publisher's Synopsis
The word 'compassion' is a challenge to those who see themselves 'above it all'. 'Above' implies having the full knowledge of the good and evil of our times, and a response of either paralysis in the face of apocalyptic catastrophe or committed ignorance.
The book provides a comprehensive analysis and description of the unnecessary suffering of our epoch: habitat degradation, 5000 years of patriarchy, systemic poverty, bought governments, the bigotry of race and tribe and wars supporting the previous five.
The author stakes out six areas of transformation: sustainability, gender equity, wealth distribution, participatory decision-making, (electronic voting?), celebrating diversity, and non-violence.
Each of these sections authentically describe our moment and are well worth reading.
It is the second half of 'A Compassionate Civilization' that is truly compelling. Here, the veil is lifted! Who will catalyze this collective about-face from the abyss? How will we lead and what will we practice?
Read this spirited book. Be with the movement of movements.