Publisher's Synopsis
Indeed, living from day to day is for a large majority of humans, alas, to suffer a precariousness which makes them suffer, to plunge into insecurity, violence, hunger, disease, absence. hope, loneliness, horror sometimes.
For others, it's having the way of life carefree with a frenzy that flies over existence with lightness without ever getting involved or committing itself.
". It is an incentive to live the present fully, without regret for the past, without anxiety for the future.
This little book is not a manual of resignation to misfortune, nor of incitement to "I-don't care". On the contrary, it wants to be a hymn to life.Bustling with activity, you constantly anticipate situations that may never come to pass. By constantly projecting yourself into the future, you elude the present. You feel that time is passing too much
quickly, even if you don't not the impression of to get old. Warning the day you turn around, because the time spent cannot be made up! The following exercises can help you pose at times to fully experience the present moment.