Eric Kuster

Eric Kuster Metropolitan Luxury

Hardback (15 Jan 2009)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Dutch designer Eric Kuster has become a hot celebrity by designing interiors for famous international restaurants, hotels and clubs, such as Jimmy Woo and Suzy Wong in Amsterdam, but also private (pent)houses for Russian business men. This book showcases Kuster's work.

About the Publisher


The Lannoo Publishing Group wants to be a leading, creative and flexible knowledge enterprise pursuing both cultural and economic value. This pursuit for cultural surplus value is rooted in the mindset of the founder of Lannoo Publishing and his interest for cultural life. Our enterprise has always been loyal to this vision and has thus acquired its unique profile in the market. The economic surplus value is necessary for serving the needs of our clients, employees, share holders and the community which we are part of, in an enduring way.

Book information

ISBN: 9789020979442
Publisher: Lannoo
Imprint: Lannoo
Pub date:
DEWEY: 747.092
DEWEY edition: 22
Number of pages: 192
Weight: 1860g
Height: 292mm
Width: 292mm
Spine width: 23mm