Manual of Aerobiology and Allergy

Manual of Aerobiology and Allergy

eBook (30 Jun 2008)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The terms aerobiology was coined in 1930 by F.C. Meyer of the department of Agriculture, USA for the details study for the airborne particles. Aerobiology is an important tool for the investigation for airborne biological materials significant to clinical manifestation of inhalant allergies. Leuschner and Boehm (1978) developed a method of sampling air by microscopic slides. Pollen, fungal, spores, dust mites, insect debris and animal epithelium are the well known bioparticles responsible for triggering the allergic symptom. Allergy is a very common problem all over the world. It includes a wide range of immunological reaction that generally have adverse effects evolving one or many organs system of the body. The term "Allergy" was coined by Clemens von Pirquet in 1906 to described a state of altered reaction of the immune system resulting in immunity or hypersensitivity. The term "Atopy" was coined in 1923 by Coca and Cooke to describe clinical allergy of inherited nature. However, isolation of IgE from the serum of allergy Patient by Ishizaka and Ishizaka in 1966 was the important landmark in the medical history in the development of allergic research.

Book information

ISBN: 9788186644355
Publisher: Madhu Publications
Imprint: Madhu Publications
Pub date:
Language: English