Whooping Cough Cure With Coqueluchin

Whooping Cough Cure With Coqueluchin

Paperback (01 Jan 2002)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The author treated tumors of various parts of the body by medicines with great success. He felt it to be his imperative duty to bring his views and experiences prominently to the fore for the benefit of our common mankind. This book is the first attempt by the author in this direction. It contains some of his most difficult case histories that are very valuable. This book is aimed at proving to the world that tumors can be cured by medicines alone if requisite knowledge and practice is given. an intelligent discussion on the treatment of whooping cough with its almost specific "coqueluchin " supplemented by case references and detailed follow up. contains an introduction to the whooping cough nosode named by Clarke Coqueluchin from the French name for whooping cough, "Coqueluche". He gives many illustrative case examples of cures, explains nosodes in general and concludes with a chapter on lessons derived from the cases.

Book information

ISBN: 9788131905401
Publisher: B Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd
Imprint: B. Jain Publishers
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 90
Weight: 70g
Height: 160mm
Width: 103mm
Spine width: 5mm