Publisher's Synopsis
English summary: Adolph Goldschmidt (1863-1944) himself considered necessary a supplementary volume to his multi-volume publication "Die Elfenbeinskulpturen" (The Ivory Sculptures) and collected material throughout his life, even after his emigration to Basel. His student Kurt Weitzmann (1904-1993), with whom he had written the volumes on Byzantine ivory sculpture in 1930 and 1934, continued this work. Now the addenda with 225 ivory works - some of which largely unknown - are available. German description: Schon Adolph Goldschmidt (1863-1944) hielt einen Nachtragsband zu seinem groaen Elfenbeincorpus " Die Elfenbeinskulpturen" fur erforderlich und sammelte zeit seines Lebens dafur Material, auch nach der Emigration nach Basel. Jetzt liegen die Addenda mit 225 zum Teil weitgehend unbekannten Elfenbeinwerken vor.