Publisher's Synopsis
Just as the new technology of photography was emerging throughout the United States in the mid-nineteenth century, it quickly caught hold in the scenic Adirondack region of upstate New York. Young men and a few women began to experiment with cameras as a way to earn their livings with local portrait work. From photographing individuals, some expanded their subject matter to include families and groups, homes, streetscapes, landmarks, workplaces, and important events: from town celebrations to presidential visits, train wrecks, floods, and fires. These photographers from within and just beyond the Park borders, as well as many who immigrated from other countries, have been central in defining the Adirondacks.
Adirondack Photographers, 1850-1950 is a comprehensive look at the first one hundred years of photography through the lives of those who captured this unique rural region of New York State. Svenson's fascinating biographical dictionary of over two hundred photographers is enriched with over seventy illustrations. While the popularity of some of these photographers' images is reflected in public collections such as the Library of Congress, the New York Public Library, and the Getty Center, little is known about the diverse backgrounds of the men and women behind their work. A compilation of captivating stories, Adirondack Photographers provides a vivid, intimate account of the evolution of photography, as well as an unusual perspective on Adirondack history.