Wicked Love

Wicked Love - Cursed Coven

Paperback (16 Oct 2019)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Has Melasina Cormier met her fiery match in Jasper Thibodeaux?MelasinaI've spent my entire life separating myself from the stain of my necromancer mother's dishonor. Exiled for using the dark arts, she had no choice but to break off all contact and leave the coven. The dreams feel like some kind of haunted karma where I'm cursed to walk a mile in my mother's shoes. But when I wake up one morning covered in mud and smelling like death warmed-over, it doesn't take long to figure out that the apple didn't fall far from the necromancy tree. Enter Jasper Thibodeaux, the magical librarian in charge of New Orleans, who thinks all the recent grave robberies are a sign that my mother has returned. He's hot as hell and makes all my senses tingle. In another life, he'd be perfect. Too bad my secret means there's no chance for us; he's the reason my mother's in exile. It doesn't matter how close we get. If he learns I've inherited her necromancy, he won't hesitate to show me the same fate. When a dark curse threatens everything I've worked so hard to protect, I realize I must face who I am. Do I risk a life of exile or deny my truth for the chance of love?Welcome to the Cursed Coven.On Samhain night the covens gather under a Harvest Moon.It's a time for pure magic.A night of unbridled witchcraft.A celebration of all they are and all they will be.But there's a dark force lurking, hiding, plotting. A rogue determined to curse every witch at the gathering. When she does, no one escapes.Face their fear.Survive or die.Break the curse.These are the stories of thirteen witches cursed at the one place they should have found sanctuary.Join the coven and learn their fates.

Book information

ISBN: 9781945878183
Publisher: Ocean Top Press
Imprint: Ocean Top Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 142
Weight: 186g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 8mm