Publisher's Synopsis
Responding to the Every Student Succeeds Act with the PLC at Work Process (Integrating ESSA and Professional Learning Communities)Enhanced Description (2000 characters max):The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) presents US educators and local and state legislators with a rare opportunity: to reconceive schooling to better address students' needs. Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, and Douglas Reeves showcase how to make the most of this opportunity by fully committing to the Professional Learning Communities at Work process, which holds the greatest potential for maximizing student achievement.How this book will help your PLC incorporate the Every Student Succeeds Act:Explains the roles federal and state governments play in K-12 education with the adoption of ESSA and how it relates to past educational reforms such as ESEA and No Child Left Behind.Emphasizes the importance of using the PLC at Work process to respond to ESSA.Provides the strategies and mindsets teachers, district leaders, and states should implement to enhance student learning. Presents the right work PLC schools at any level should engage in to support student and adult success.Highlights indicators of school-level accountability and system accountability, as well as an accountability framework states should use to promote school improvement and success. Contents:IntroductionChapter 1: A Brief History of Education Oversight in the United StatesChapter 2: The Passage of ESSAChapter 3: How States Can Respond to ESSAChapter 4: One School's Response to ESSAChapter 5: A View From the DistrictChapter 6: How States Can Transform Opportunity Into ActionChapter 7: The Path Ahead for ESSAAppendix A: Sample School-Level Accountability IndicatorsAppendix B: Sample System-Level Accountability Indicators