A Seduction in Winter

A Seduction in Winter - Adobe EPUB eBook

eBook (05 Apr 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

He's an artist and a duke's heir. She's sheltered and scarred. Can he show her by Christmas that love can be theirs to share? As the holidays approach, Lieutenant Leoline Marrable, now Lord Wrathell, travels to London where he's expected to fulfill longstanding expectations and propose to his former commander's daughter. Wrathell longs to ease the strained relationship with his ducal father. The key may be an unfinished portrait of his late brother. Honora Baynard has a terrible facial scar as a result of a childhood injury. She has never forgotten Leoline, who came to her defense when other children tormented her. Now, her over-protective artist father keeps her indoors, creating the beautiful detail work that makes his paintings so sought after. As Wrathell and Honora spend more time together, mutual interest becomes mutual attraction...

Book information

ISBN: 9781937823443
Publisher: NLA Digital LLC
Imprint: NLA Digital LLC
Pub date:
Language: English