If Change Is All There Is, Choice Is All You've Got

If Change Is All There Is, Choice Is All You've Got

Paperback (26 Jan 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Funny, true, powerful vignettes that are the best of the Appalachian parables about change, choice and power. Think about that old classic: "The Hen's Involved but the Hog's Committed" which is about breakfast. How is it about life, too? Just ask a hog about to give up a ham, and see how the chicken's perspective on the hardship of laying an egg changes! Elizabeth Power is a Southern voice of authenticity whose professional world is helping people make and manage change--particularly as they wrestle down the ghosts of their past. She's an internationally recognized thought leader in Trauma-Responsive thinking and the founder of The Trauma-Informed Academy.

Book information

ISBN: 9781883307004
Publisher: Epower & Associates, Incorporated
Imprint: Epower & Associates, Incorporated
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 58
Weight: 100g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 4mm