Publisher's Synopsis
Post-traumatic stress disorder is a term were hearing a lot of these days as members of our military return home shell shocked by battle experiences. But you dont have to have been on the battlefield to suffer from PTSD in fact, anyone whos been in a very stressful situation can develop it. Stressful conditions can range from a terrorist attack to a serious car accident to sexual abuse, or even bullying at school or work. If you think that you, or someone you care about, may have been affected by PTSD, then this book will help you understand what caused your problem, what the symptoms are, and where to get help. Most importantly of all, it suggests ways for you to help yourself and a sense of empowerment is important in an illness that leaves a person feeling helpless. In this book weve put together the information that will help you make the decisions and find the help you or your loved one will need to reclaim your life and happiness.