Developing the Prosocial Entrepreneur

Developing the Prosocial Entrepreneur - Emerald Points

eBook (14 Feb 2025)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Developing the Prosocial Entrepreneur critically examines the current unsustainable business model of entrepreneur education and training that often prioritises unlimited growth and consumption and does not consider the negative impacts business decisions have on our health and the environment. The research underpinning this book shows that business owners want to know how they can use their entrepreneurial skills to ensure progress for themselves, the business, and society at a meaningful level.

The book will enable business trainers and coaches to help their business owner clients imagine what a sustainable business and society would look like. This in turn will help create opportunities for business owners to develop the knowledge and skills that will enable a more ethical and sustainable way of doing business. The book calls for a shift in mindset from "business as usual" to a more sustainable and inclusive approach.

Book information

ISBN: 9781836082668
Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited
Imprint: Emerald Publishing
Pub date:
DEWEY: 658.421
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 272
Weight: -1g