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You're Not Alone

You're Not Alone Good Advice and Kind Words for When You Feel Lonely

Hardback (14 Jul 2022)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A comforting guide for whenever loneliness strikes, filled with kind words, helpful ideas and down-to-earth advice

We all feel lonely sometimes

In a world more connected than ever before, it can be hard to unravel why it is that we feel alone. The truth is, whether you're sociable or solitary, extroverted or introverted, loneliness can affect us all at some point in our lives.

This clear and comforting book is here to help you understand loneliness and the importance of looking after your mind, body and soul whenever you feel alone. Packed with easy-to-follow advice and bite-sized tips as well as a selection of uplifting quotes, it's a go-to guide for anyone feeling lonely or isolated.

Learn and understand more about:
- Why loneliness is so common and what we can do about it
- How to nurture your mind and body to give you greater confidence
- What the best strategies are to support your mental health and well-being
- How to form and build on new connections in your life

Book information

ISBN: 9781800073944
Publisher: Summersdale
Imprint: Vie
Pub date:
DEWEY: 158.2
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 160
Weight: 256g
Height: 112mm
Width: 155mm
Spine width: 21mm