Publisher's Synopsis
Pharaohcraft: Magic from Ancient EgyptOrthodox Heka em KemetaCopyright (c) 2019 Horus Michael, All Rights Reserved.The Power of Belief unlocks abilities known in Egyptian Magic. You need to be able to focus and concentrate Mental or Spiritual (Ka) Energy via believing in the venerated archetype or object of worship, whether this is real or imagined, physical or immaterial. These innate abilities can change your environment in terms of Weather or Climate, attract people or objects via developed Telepathy, heal the sick or cause sickness (depending on Mood or Emotion, a form of energy), communicate with Spirits of the Dead or Akhu (Angels), Telepathically link with Time (Clairvoyance), Destroy Enemies (of Pharaoh) via ritual or spell, create Earthquakes or Storms, stop rain from falling within 5 minutes, restore life to the intact recent dead via Telepathy and Energy, communicate with animals (Telepathy) or render yourself Invisible (Telepathic Mind Tricks).