Publisher's Synopsis
One thing that no-one tells you about being a writer is just how much business stuff you have to learn. In retrospect, it makes sense. Modern corporations provide the equivalent of patronage, allowing artists of all stripes to practice their craft with stuff that's both limited and challenging. Inevitably, what people will pay for producing is stuff directly relevant to their interests, and so over the years I've produced a lot of documents over time about management, law and politics. Some were explanations and guides, some were for courses I took; all were at once fascinating and difficult to engage with properly. Chapters include: What is English law, and who chooses its shape?How the criminal justice systems works, and how it could be improvedTheories of crime causationThe moral and economic implications involved in the Occupy Wall Street movementLegal & Ethical ErrataCan competency be measured?Management stylesThe Impact of the Digital Revolution on Consumer BehaviourAnti-communism and anti-Nazism in Warner Brothers' productionsHow to guides and short articlesQ&A on people, life, philosophy, theology and more