Publisher's Synopsis
Now that the Holidays are over, one of your goals for the New Year may be to take off those pounds you gained over the holiday period - Thanksgiving through New Year's Day. That is the purpose of this weight loss journal and why it is for 12-weeks. However if you stay the course over the 12-weeks, you will also have instilled your eating and workout routines as habits and can continue if you want. Just purchase another 12-week journal and continue where you left off. As you go through the journal, you will first find a page to record your starting measurements weight loss start date and your personal goals for this journey. Be specific- don't say something like "I want to lose weight." It has to be measurable, realistic and attainable. Something like "I want to lose 5 pounds a month." Or "I want to lose 1 1/2 to 2 pounds per week."With a 2-pound per week goal, you should lose around 24 pounds over the 12-week journey. Next you will find a series of worksheets - a set for each of the 12 weeks: - A Shopping List- A Meal Planner - Two pages to cover the 7 days in each week- 7 Daily Workout Sheets- A Progress Tracker- A Lined Page to journal your thoughts, feelings, emotions, successes, failures, set-backs or anything you want to get down on paper.Journaling can be a great way to identify trends you see that either work for you and should be continued, or ones that are holding you back and should be discarded.At the end of each month is a Progress Tracker to record your measurements again to see how they changed over that month. At the end of the journal is a page to record your total loss over the course of the 12-week journey.