LiT: Part 3 - Pure Heart

LiT: Part 3 - Pure Heart

Paperback (22 Jun 2021)

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Book (27 May 2022) $25.73

Publisher's Synopsis

Alex and Anne end up working in Washington D.C. at a Catholic Church. A new anti-religion group is gaining momentum and becoming much more violent. Alex is positive the Dark is behind this new group and sets forth to stop them. During her investigation, she meets up with a Secret Service Agent who was injured during one of the attacks. Alex finds herself fighting new feelings as she starts to fear what her role in this war will do to the ones she most cares for.

Book information

ISBN: 9781786955166
Publisher: Fiction4all
Imprint: Double Dragon
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 498
Weight: 435g
Height: 198mm
Width: 129mm
Spine width: 31mm