Seven Stones

Seven Stones Immortal Zero

eBook (22 Oct 2020)

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Paperback (22 Oct 2020) $19.08

Publisher's Synopsis

After two decades of war, a ceasefire is called as Lamora surrenders to Uvar and agrees to sign a treaty. Famous military hero, General Almadzi accompanies the Lamoran Empress into enemy territory with an expectation they may be headed for a trap.While the General is preoccupied with protecting royalty, a sly thief Leas Steele aims to take advantage of the political event for her own gains. Soon both the General and the thief find their paths entangled in a labyrinth of lies, murder, and betrayal.?As the thief works to keep the General from escaping her grasp, the General begins to unravel a plot that will endanger not only her country, but the entire world. Believing Leas may have answers that will lead her to those responsible, the General is forced to swallow her pride and try to outplay the Thieves Guild in a deadly game of cat and mouse.

Book information

ISBN: 9781777395414
Imprint: Distributed By Ingram Spark
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 318
Weight: -1g