Dig Deeper

Dig Deeper Seasonal, Sustainable Australian Gardening

Hardback (01 Dec 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The definitive gardening manual for the modern gardener

Guiding you through the seasons, each chapter is divided into four parts: annuals, perennials, and bulbs; grasses, groundcovers, and climbers; shrubs and trees; and herbs, fruit, and vegetables. Containing step-by-step projects, feature plants, and advice and information on everything from the more unusual cultivars and creating heirloom crops, to using grey water and groundcovers to beat soil erosion, this book provides answers for all your garden and plant-related queries.

About the Publisher

Murdoch Books

With our offices based in Sydney, we have full in-house editorial, design, production and publishing capabilities. Our award-winning Australian & New Zealand sales, marketing and publicity team is supported by a fully owned subsidiary sales and marketing company in the UK. Our significant international market presence is assisted by our UK team who manage our extensive European foreign language and export sales. With our books translated into more than 20 languages, Murdoch Books has carved out a reputation as a high quality international publisher. Our mission is to excite, delight and inspire our readers with beautifully produced books that have an unswerving commitment to integrity of content, innovation in design and high production values.

Book information

ISBN: 9781742660998
Publisher: Murdoch Books
Imprint: Murdoch Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 472
Weight: -1g