Publisher's Synopsis
What would you do if you were surrounded by devils? Twisted Tales of Deceit is the first installment in the Beyond the Chamber Door series, featuring three supernatural tales of horror (The Calculated Desolation of Hope, Somnium, & Knickerbocker) chronicling evil's influence on innocent hearts and our uncontrollable desire to give in to their calculated transgression. These dark influences are surrounding us in every corner of our daily habits, looking to alter and bend human will to their lust and incessant desire to feed on depravity and sin. What devils and imps are feeding on your soul?Creeping and slithering with insatiable appetites for souls and blood, they manipulate and offer friendly hands to draw us into their primal rage of fear. Journey into the corridors of darkness, sin, and manipulation, with this first installment.The Calculated Desolation of Hope The Devil is Mephisto and he wants William's heart, to turn him into darkness and leave his love obliterated. Somnium Jimmy can't help talking to himself in the mirror. Or is that a devil pressing his hand to steal his dreams? Knickerbocker Isaac Crane, new to Sleepy Hallow, soon learns that the Headless Horseman is more than a myth, and he wants Crane's head on his mantle. Discover the influence of demons and the dark hearts of the powerful and corrupt and their insatiable appetites for young souls and their dreams in this psychological supernatural thriller steeped in horror and the paranormal.Twisted Tales of Deceit is the first installment in the Beyond the Chamber Door series. These are tales chronicling an evil influence on the human psyche, tipping our hands into the engagement of what is most horrifying; our dastardly, human deeds steeped in self-destruction, desperation and the loss of dreams. Metaphorical warnings have been constructed inside these pages to reflect the everyday signs the universe provides under the guise of reflective light that return to mirror how evil tempts our hand so to not fulfill the dreams of the soul. Our doubts, our sadness, our indecisions rooted in fear are toiled with by the presence of imps bent on hatred and in need of our nightmares to survive. Here, the human spirit is dripped like honey, tasteful to the dark corridors of human malevolence and taken advantage by the corrupt and seamlessly endless parade other worldly dimensions have on what should be our earthly utopia, creating rage in the cosmic hedonism of jealousy.